9.21 Weekly Update

Happy Saturday MS!

I can't believe that we are already at the end of our first three weeks.  Since I sent out a lengthy email, I won't make this too long this week.

(I forgot to take a quick picture of the calendar before leaving yesterday as we were excited upon coming back from the 7th grade retreat.  I will update this on Monday morning with that information.)

Quizzes this week, and a sneak peek at the next:

9/24 6th Grade Social Studies
(Topics to include- map skills, five themes of geography and initial Ancient Egypt information)

9/24 7th Grade Social Studies
(Topics include - map skills, five themes of geography, human impact on geographical features)

9/25 8th Grade Science
(Topics include - Types and forms of energy, Elements, Compounds and Mixtures, Physical vs. Chemical Changes)

Week of September 30th - October 4th

9/30 8th Grade Social Studies Test
(Topics include - Overview of the American Revolutionary War, and some of our founding documents that lead to our Independence from Britain.)

10/2 6th Grade Science Test
(Topics include - Properties of Matter)

Upcoming Retreat Dates:

9/27 6th Grade retreat to St. Anthony Shrine
10/1 - 10/3 8th Grade retreat to NYC

SAS Day of Service Thursday 9/26:

Wear yellow for anyone who has earned $50 toward the Race for Education by the end of last week (Each HR teacher will share the names with their students as soon as we have them.)

Wear gym uniform for everyone else

**Students will be working in the school garden for part of this day, so please make sure students are appropriately dressed for such activities.**

10/4 Race for Education 

High School News:

All 8th graders interested should begin scheduling their shadow days.  I would recommend making a pros and cons list that you fill out after each visit.  That way you remember what you do and don't like while it is fresh in your brain.

9/24 High School Fair at Monsignor Slade (Glen Burnie)

10/12 Math Olympiad at The Catholic High School


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