9.28 Weekly Update

Happy Saturday to all!

I hope everyone had a fruitful week filled with many blessings.  It is a blessing each and every day to go to work at SAS and teach your children.

Here is the calendar for October.  There isn't much posted for quizzes and test yet, so look back each week.

The Race for Education is THIS FRIDAY, October 4th.  Here is the link to sign up and volunteer that day if you haven't had the chance to do so yet. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/70a0c44aeae2dabf58-race1

National History Day (NHD): 
7th and 8th Grade students have been given their NHD timeline for the year.  NHD presentations at SAS are scheduled for January 23, 2020, time TBD, weather permitting.

All timeline due dates have been added to the social studies Google Classroom for both 7th and 8th grade students.  I created a timeline to help them stay on task and not wait until the last minute.

7th grade will spend a day each week or every other week working on NHD in the classroom since this is their first time completing this project.

8th grade will primarily work on this on their own time.

Mrs. Murphy told the students they should expect to put 40-50 hours of work from now to the January 16th due date when projects are due in class.

Resources can be found in the appropriate grade level link in this blog to help them through this process.

Homework is now in full swing.

Science and Social Studies articles
Weekly (8th), Bi-weekly (7th) or Monthly (6th) articles have now been assigned.  Students are to turn in all article summaries to Turnitin.com.  Those still not in the program can submit through Google Classroom until we get them set up.

Daily Reflections
This week I will add a daily summary piece to help students reflect on the specifics of what they learned/did in class each day. They will be provided with a graphic organizer that can be found in their Google Classroom for each class.  This will be due no later than Monday morning at 8:55 am, allowing them to make up any days over the weekend, to submit their daily reflections. This time allows them to submit their assignment while in homeroom once they receive their Chrome Books for the day on Monday if they didn't do it over the weekend.

Good luck and safe travels 8th grade!  Join me in keeping the 8th graders in prayer as they go on their New York City Retreat Tuesday - Thursday this week. May the Lord watch over them and their chaperones while on this journey.

Mass this week will be on Thursday due to the activities planned for Friday.  Please make sure all students are in uniform that day.


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