3.22 Update

Happy Sunday!

From my spiritual reading this morning, "The service you cannot render me you must do for your neighbors." -St. Catherine of Siena recounting words God spoke to her

Just a few ways to do this:
- Say a prayer for this in need, or for the whole world
- Pray for the souls in purgatory
- Check in on family and friends to see how they are doing 
- Making a meal for someone
- Buying carry out to support your local restaurants so that they can pay their staff
- Buying groceries for an elderly neighbor
- Writing thank you cards to the local hospitals to the doctors and nurses working so hard
- Writing thank you cards to our supermarket employees for all their hard work 

Let us all help those that we can during this time of need and uncertainty.  Keep our eyes on Him and lifting each other up will help each of us to get through this stronger than when we entered.

If you see this before 10:30 a.m. on Sunday, join me for mass at CCASTA.org.  Fr. John will be live streaming mass as he also does on Tuesday and Thursday mornings at 9:00 a.m.  Here is the prayer for Spiritual Communion since we can't actually receive the Eucharist at this time:

Image may contain: 1 person, possible text that says 'ACT OF SPIRITUAL COMMUNION BODY + BLOOD + SOUL DIVINITY My Jesus, believe that You are present in the Most Holy Sacrament. love You above all things, and desire to receive You into my soul. Since cannot receive You sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. The Blessed Most Sacrament embrace You as if You already and myself wholly You. Never permit to separated from You. my only I have placed all my trust in You, and Z know Z shall not disappointed. (Diary, 317)'

Mrs. Kaplan, Mrs. Krause, Mrs. Murphy and I have been collecting some data to use for a little math fun in the future.  We will need a little help from out MS friends soon.

Stay tuned to see what we are up to... (though social distancing of course)

I will continue this week to add some videos into the Google Classroom for my students to keep their learning fresh.  At this time, I haven't been posting lessons, just topics for them to look at and explore.  I also posted a little science contest they can enter as well.

As always, I miss my students dearly and hope that by God's grace we will get to see each other sooner rather than later.


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