3.25 Update

Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord

"The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you.  Therefore the child to be born will be called holy, the Son of God." (Lk 1:35)

Happy Wednesday SAS Families! It was wonderful to "see" so many students yesterday in the various office hours.  I wanted to update today with a few reminders that we sent out last night.

Carline Today: 1245-2:00

Mrs Krause will be sending home novels for all three grade levels

I will be sending home JA workbooks for 7th Grade

Reminder, have a sheet of paper with the name on it held up to the right side car window for us to run up and deliver the materials.

No Office Hours today (3/25) except for mine from 6-7 pm, due to staff being on site.

We are all anxiously awaiting the details of today's AOB Principal's meeting.  Be on the look out for an email from Mrs. Ball and Mr. Miller later with further information.


Please have students check into their Google Classroom regularly to see what has been added.

Religion should be completed daily for the saint of the day, plus any little math challenges Mrs. Kaplan places in there.

I have been updating Science and Social Studies a few times a week with information for students to look at that is curriculum based so that they can continue the learning in these areas.

Keep working on those ELA and Math problems assignments.

Here is the link to the Specials blog that isn't on the school website yet:

The specials teachers will be including their office hours here and little fun activities that can be done at home.

Mrs. Stephens, Mrs. Reiniger, and Ms. Christian already have information on their individual tabs in this blog for you to look at. 

Have a great day and I hope to get to wave to some of you later today.


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